
lilycoco / Ryoko

Joined a credit card company as a new graduate. For about four years, I was engaged in a variety of work including media review, sales promotion planning, and customer support. One day, while on my way to work, I was injured in a traffic accident which tooks five months for recovery and decided to live my life that I would not regret no matter when I died. After that, I went to the Philippines and Australia to study English for about a year. After returning to Japan, I started working for a foreign PR company and enrolled in a programming school at the same time, then I kept studying 40 hours a week for 6 months and graduated with the highest score in technical skills. I'm currently working as a front-end engineer and product owner at Givery Inc.

新卒でクレジットカード会社へ入社。約4年間媒体の校閲、販売促進企画、カスタマーサポートなど様々な業務に従事する。ある日出勤途中に交通事故で全治5ヶ月の怪我を負い、「いつ死んでも後悔しない人生にしよう」と決意。 その後はフィリピン、オーストラリアへ留学し約1年で英会話を習得。 帰国後は外資PR会社へ就職すると共にプログラミングスクールへ入学し、週40時間の学習を半年間続けた末技術力1位の成績で卒業。 現在は株式会社Giveryにてフロントエンドエンジニア、プロダクトオーナーを勤める。


Web Frontend Development, Product Owner

HTML / CSS/JavaScript / TypeScript / PHP / jQuery / React.js / Vue.js / Figma / Storybook / Styleguidist


Track Test


Jan, 2022

Happy dog devices for Happy dogs

This is my first product using Unity. I created it with amazing team mates at Gloval Game Jam 2020. Gloval Game Jam という国際的なゲーム開発イベントで海外のメンバーと2日間で開発したゲームです。

Feb, 2020

Cup Ramen Timer

This is a fun game to play while waiting for your cup noodles to be ready! 六本木にあるライブコーディングが楽しめるBar、Hacker's Barでアルバイトしていた時にお客さんからリクエストされて作ったスマホ用ゲームです。※商用利用でないため著作権の許可は頂いておりません。怒られたら消します。

Nov, 2019

Tetris (React)

I redeveloped Tetris using React and TypeScript 1 year after I developed Tetris with jQuery. Found out how I was wrong before and lots of improvement. 以前jQueryで作ったテトリスをReact, TypeScriptで書き直しました。

Aug, 2019

Tic Tac Toe

Actually it was just a tutorial of React, but I added TypeScript and Hooks for practice. React、TypeScriptを習得するために作ったゲームです。

Jul, 2019

Mugen Sweeper

This is unusual minesweeper which has unlimited field and enable to play with multiple players, developed with Node.js, Nuxt.js and Vue.js. G's Academyの卒業制作で作成した無限に画面が広がるマインスイーパーです。

Feb, 2019

Tetris (jQuery)

I learned a lot through developing Tetris, such as algorithm, functional, and basic design. 私にプログラミングの楽しさを教えてくれた思い出のテトリスです。

Oct, 2018

Space Invaders

I developed this using jQuery and Canvas over about a week, 1 months later since when I started learning programming 私が初めて作ったゲームです。音も出ます。

Aug, 2018
© 2022 lilycoco